Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The current state of gaming and what it means to be a gamer now.

So this will be short and sweet. At least that's what I'm planning. It may not go that way though. Unless you've been living under a rock we all know that new consoles are right around the corner. Some of the corners are closer than others of course. I guess I'll skip all of the theatrics and just be honest. We're getting these "new" consoles because all most gamers know how to do now is bitch and moan. I feel as if we've forgotten how to have fun and enjoy games. It seems as if frame rate and what resolution a game is has become more important than the quality of  said game. You can honestly tell who is newer to gaming vs people who have been around for a while. The people who have been gaming longer, or at least the majority of us, have a greater appreciation for gaming in general. I still remember when it wasn't such a trend. When it wasn't popular to be a gamer. And when did someone else's opinion become the deciding factor as to whether or not you purchase a game. I'll definitely get into all of this in a future blog really soon. Gaming is still an important part of my life but I feel as if its going down hill and it's not because of the developers. Yeah, they do some shady things. Micro transactions, over priced DLC, day one DLC, shipping broken games and more. Most of them aren't willing to try new things though because we the consumer aren't willing to give it a chance. And most of the time it's because we're so hung up on what someone else has to say vs trying it ourselves. If I listened to everyone else I never would've found out that Asura is a lot angrier than Kratos, how Mondo Zapa is such a ladies man, or that I love Catherine way more than Vincent does. Lol. There are a lot of games that we'll never see a sequel to or even get a new IP from a certain company. Why?? Because they're no longer around anymore or their just isn't any money in that specific title. And most of us don't realize how good a game is until it's to late. So will I be getting a PS Pro?? Yes! Will I get an Xbox Scorpio. Yes. Because it's about enjoying the game at the end of the day and not what platform you play on. Even if you can only afford one just sit down, shut up and enjoy some awesome ass games. If you can't afford either, enjoy your games. The community has become so divided on a lot of things. And I definitely feel that we don't play a wide enough variety of games anymore either. But that's a topic for another day as well. Love it or hate it, it's just my opinion. In short I think being a gamer has lost some of it's meaning. At the same time it's gained a little meaning as well. Funny huh......... Peace

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The gif sums it up.

I hate it when people say anime is for kids without ever have seeing any of it before.  😧😧

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Fallout 4.......... Ehhh.....

So the new Fallout 4 trailer came out earlier this week. Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by it?? And no it has nothing to do with it being actual game play footage, graphics,etc. It just didn't do anything for me. Will I get it when it comes out? Most likely. I actually thought Riley from CoD Ghost had a new gig when I first saw it. Lol. Now Deus Ex Mankind Divided was a trailer. The game play for Arkham Knight is a trailer. One of my friends almost crucified me when I told him this. Oh well, just my opinion.

Do things really happen for a reason.

Its been a while but I'm back. Maybe for a little while or for good who knows. Lol. So I was moving out of gloomy Michigan to sunny South Carolina this week and while I was making the long drive it made me think about my life and some of the decisions that I've made that led me down my current path. I'll be the first to say that things are far from perfect but I'm not going to complain. Could they be worse?? Definitely. Which led me to my current question and something that I'm not sure I believe in anymore. Do things really happen for a reason? Is there some kind of grand design for us all and we just don't know it?? Or do we just use this reasoning to make us feel better or justify what's currently happening in our life right now. Albeit it good or bad of course. We can look back at many of things that we've done and they have led us down certain paths. Were we meant to go that route or if it was predestined is a different story altogether though. I used to believe that most things in life happen for a reason but now I feel that it's something that we use to justify what's currently going on in our lives. I can become stricken with  a terminal illness right now but does that mean it happened for a reason. I don't think so. It's something that I'd use to try to make myself feel better when this occurrence is completely random just like most other things in life are. Certain things that we do can affect the outcome of other situations but that doesn't mean it happened for said reason. We all take away different things from some of the stuff that happens in our life. Some of us don't take away anything at all unfortunately. But I guess that's just how things go. I'm looking forward to this new and hopefully non complicated chapter in my life. But life can be random so we'll see how it goes.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Stock android vs everything else

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but it's alright. We all have our own opinions so here goes. I like touchwiz. There, I said it. *Covers face and waits for stones to be cast* None so far. I guess I can continue then. I read so many reviews where people are always hating on android skins in general. Whether it be sense, touchwiz or whatever lg's skin is called, it seems as if there is plenty of hate to go around. I like stock android and I've used it for years but I don't think I'll be going back to it anytime soon. To me the features of many of these skins kind of outweigh stock android in general. It just became a bit boring over time to me. I've flashed so many ROMs and I'm almost blind because of it. * Horrible joke*  I recently got a Note 3 and I can honestly say that I won't be doing anything to it.*At least as far as rooting goes. Custom launchers and so forth, yes.* Yeah, I know some of the features are gimmicky but they can be very useful as well. This thing was built to multi task. And I know plenty of people don't like it but I love the S pen. The point is that these skins give users something that stock android just may never implement into it's os. Whether it's blink feed, multi window support or air gestures, it's just nice to have some of this stuff. Skins have come a long way. I remember what touchwiz and sense use to look like. I'm pretty sure we all remember moto blur as well. I don't even know if I can include Motorola in this category anymore. Their os is basically stock android now. The point is we all have our own opinions. I know it will never happen but it would nice if everyone respected other peoples opinions. I'm not an apple fan but I respect ios users and I can see why some people choose their devices as well. Anyway I'm done. Until the next time I feel the need to rant, peace....

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bias and moot opinions in gaming. *I posted this on IGN last month and just decided to post it here as well.*

OK, so I was just reading about the most emotional moments in gaming on this site and I can agree with most of the games that have been posted. I absolutely have no problem with the article at all because things like this are always opinion based. What really gets under my skin is some of the comments that people make without giving any valid information. Even if it's just your opinion say more than just I hate the game or your wrong. I saw a few people hating on The Last of Us and I decided to chime in. The response that I received in return was fairly ignorant and lackluster. Normally stuff like this doesn't bother me because it is just the internet after all and this is one reason I stay away from the comments section. I guess these trolls do get the better of me at times. All I'm trying to say is don't judge a game if you've never played it or only went through the first twenty minutes and then decided to pass judgement upon it. We all love different things and just because someone doesn't enjoy what you do doesn't mean that what they like is horrible or wrong. I've never been a huge GTA fan but I'll never say that It's a bad game because it's not. It's just not my preference. And I feel as if I'm very open when it comes to the games that I play which range from Catherine, Diablo, Tekken, Beyond Two Souls, Battlefield, BlazBlue, GoW, Killer is Dead and many more different styles of gaming. I've grown increasingly tired of people comparing the look of games on consoles as well. Whatever happened to just enjoying a game because it was good and not because a rock has slightly more textures on one console than the next. I have a PS3 and an XBox 360 and I'll have an XBox One and a PS4 this cycle as well. Even if you can't afford them both I feel as if you shouldn't pass judgement on the other if you've never used it. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. It all depends on what you're looking for. Hopefully it's just good games. Have a good one people.